Im watching Bush's War, this 4-piece documentary about the last days before US attacked Iraq. And fuck my dear old dad, the amount of lies that were told. Even CIA officials are saying that there was no evidence whatsoever, just some things that could happen or exist. Like WMD, no evidence, just a possibility of 'em. The CIA told the administration NOT to use this shit in their speeches, press releases etc. but they wouldnt listen. Slowly building this image that there actually was some sort of Weapons of Mass Destruction, or a nuclear bomb was being made.
At one point even the president himself had asked, Is this all you got? A few quiet moments with
DICK Cheney and he was all for it. Idiot/fooled Tony Blair had promised his support too early and you just dont back away from the US of A. Poor Colin Powell, he got fucked big time. He was doubtful and against it all, but got walked over by Cheney and Rumsfeld. His options was to resign, walk away from it or to stay and try to make sure these other idiots do as little damage as possible. He chose to stay.
Anyways, here is were the first part of the documentary ended. Its not like I hear these alligations for the first time but now they've interviewed about 80 journalists, CIA (high rank) officials, politicians and so on, and everythings been said straight to the camera. Facts. Its fucking sickening to see how so few men can cause so much trouble. And fucking
LIE. Its not like they were mislead somehow either, they made up shit and told it as facts even though the experts adviced/told the otherwise. That fucking Cheney. And Rumsfeld by his side. Jesus.
I remember being in Finland at my dads place when I saw that "We give you Saddam and your bastard sons 48hrs to fuck off Iraq"-speech in the middle of the night and thought that ok, lets get rid of that mass-murderer dictator asshole once and for all. They also made it sound so simple and fast, liberating the people, doing good. But when one of them missiles hit a childrens hospital in the very first days I started to think otherwise. A few generations got wiped out in an instant and all they did was put on some american war hero general to say, sorry, wrong address. Cant wait for the next episode and more lies. Unbelievable. And so very fascinating.
Ps. Now theyre showing a documentary about the secret CIA planes/flights that theyre doing around the world. And some tortured poor bastards telling about the Agencys hospitality...