Im quite sure that tomorrow morning they'll announce that the new president of the US of A is John McGeezer. And thats just sad. Im sure he's a very wise man and all but what concernes me the most is his age. Because at the age of 72 and counting, small things can lead to serious results. But Im not really worried about his wellbeing, its what happens if/when something goes seriously wrong. Its Sarah Palin that worries me. Jesus, the woman has been
ONCE outside the country, got her first passport
LAST YEAR! For fucks sake! Governor of Alaska, right. Surely very smart woman, no doubt but c'mon, ALASKA? Oh dear, Hillary Clinton must have her head buried deep in her palms.
I was once again watching The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and they had a reporter at a McCain-Palin convention. The rednecks absolutely hated Obama,
the muslim terrorist. You would think that Obama is very popular and he is, specially in the big cities, but the country is HUGE and theres sooo much more people living outside those (more civilized and educated) cities. And they love republicans. I was sure they wouldnt re-elect the idiot Bush, but it happened and I just couldnt believe why that happened. Then I realised that most of the voters do live outside the cities and democrats have never been that popular over there.
I truly hope that the Americans have realised what is best for their country ans choose Obama. I think he would do a better job than McCain. And that terrible hockey mom from Alaska just horrifies me. Nothing wrong with hockey moms, I just dont think they should be in charge of the nuclear codes and meeting the world leaders if they've only been once to Mexico.
Scared for the results....
EDIT: Holy shit! It happened! Never been this happy for being wrong.