Ok, one of the most boring bloggings ever but this is our holiday in a nutshell. A lot more happened but no camera involved. Christmas Eve and the New Years as well passed by under the palm trees. The best party must I say was the one with the locals. Kinda the same we did last summer but this time with some SERIOUS Thai karaoke, all night, non stop, too loud. Too bad I left my camera home, cause this was a major party with about 60 people. A tent had been put up and these weird long lights been hang up from the palm trees. Of course we got a major ride back home, a massive convoy. Its a status thing of some sort that you can or will arrange a big party. Anyways, we had a blast.
Now, just packing and feeling excited about going back to the eternal darkness and cold. By the way, who ever made up that Hell is a hot place? Well, much rather that than our fucking weather.
Ps. That snake above? We all walked over it (didnt see it) and Bella was about to pick it up cause she thought it was a fish. Shes 2,5. And it was dark. Or maybe she thought that it was some sort of an eel or something.. The locals are shitscared of snakes, harmless or not. Because ALL of the worst excist over here.
Ok, gotta go.