Saturday, December 27, 2008

Froggy style

You know, since on our last visit it was raining more than a week, Im kinda waiting on my blogging. Now, in the evenings you tend to be pretty friggin' tired after running/pleasing after two kids, and the dinner and some refreshments involved.
So, the only thing I got to offer is this fellow. Was sitting by the house yesterday when we got home.
Got some nice pics from the x-mas eve at the beach, but that, sorry, has to wait till some cloudy moment. And a big cup o coffee.
Anyways, here's Thai Kermit.

Friday, December 26, 2008

So, in Thailand again.

Ok. As I wrote before all kind of shit was going down before the trip. But we made it. Until we got to the airport. As we were checking in with all the other idiots with their thousand bags suddenly they announced that we have to check in our selves, its just the baggage that we're leaving by the desk. Well, thank you very much for not standing by the rope and telling to do that first.
Fine, that got done. Except they told us that AIR FUCKING FRANCE had overbooked our flight from Paris to Bangkok by 26 seats. So, we werent confirmed on the flight. Well, thank (fuck)you very much again. They told us to run to the gate and FIRMLY announce that we ARE coming to that plane. It would have been fine but we were bit in a hurry.
Ok, flight went fine, having two kids an' all. Champagne, a few whiskys and a some beer later we werent that stressed anymore. Go figure.
So, we landed and I was made the runner. The rest would come with the kids. Ok. I was locked and loaded. I thought I was gonna run through the whole airport dodging people and jumping over trolleys.
I got started, was running along this corridor.. keeping my breath steady.. until about 20 meters I got to a security controll. They said they cant help me cuz I didnt have a boarding card. Fucked.
I took about 2 minutes for the family to catch up and we started going through the excuses with all the languages we knew.
Finally the dude said with a thick French accent, "ok, only tis time i let u pass."
I started running again, and RAN, all 15 meters to the desk where they told that we were already booked on the flight. Relax.
And so we did. Had a Budweiser and laughed a bit to whole incident.
Other than that Air France was brilliant.
Since then its been sunny, half cloudy around 30 degrees and some sweet Chang beers. Excellent food and all that I went through last summer. Just plain fucking nice calm living.

Yeah, thats me writing this blog on the terrace of the house.
Have a good one. I am.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Coke head

Oliver was walking around with a bag full of coke last summer in Thailand.. Didnt even get caught!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rosie O' Donnell

So, I did another rose. Looks ok to me. The golden yellow is kinda bloody, thats why it looks like it does. Gotta say Im pretty pleased. Not bad from a guy who tattoos about once a month..

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hurry up!!!

Use your time wisely. Its not easy with two small kids behaving like apes. This was done while cooking rise. A few cookies to the kids and QUICKLY do your sketching before the word PAPPAAAA is said with a I-will-not-take-no-for-an-answer tone.
Sketch single people, SKETCH!

Drama continues...

The goddamn drama before the trip starts again. Or did already last week.
We're taking off to Thailand on Saturday and just like last summer, its a fucking nerv-wrecking experience. Last time Bella had a potential ear infection, not really a proper one but still on its way. We got some antibiotics for it and hoped for the best. The flight time is around 10hours so, theres a VERY good chance for a disastrous 10h with a screaming kid with exploded eardrums. She also had fever and a proper cough, jeez. Then Sandra got kidney stone!! We had to wait till the last two days if she was allowed to fly. Anyways, that turned out just fine.
SO, last week Bella started coughing and hitting fever, as expected. I was almost pleased that it happened so soon, you know, a week to go, no probs. Ive been coughing and sneezing for 6 weeks now, but thats cool, doesnt seem to get worse. Or better for that matter.
Its five days to go and LOTS to take care of so Sandra gets the fever. Not the traveling one. Damn.
I was changin money today and it turned out we have to order it in advance!!! So much people going to Thailand that they just keep on running out. But still got time to get it before the trip, nice.
Went to get Oliver from the daycare today and hit the curb just a bit too hard. And did I not get a flat tire, shit. Had to carry Bella home and walk with Oliver. Thank God its nearby.
Minutes after we got home Oliver starts to throw-up like crazy. He said he ate too much. Right. 3 hours later he's at it again. Fuck! I was thinking. You just dont put a kid with a stomach flu into an airplane. But it seems like it was some bug or something, he's been ok for hours now. We'll see.
Still many days for stuff to happen. VERY stressful.

Whatelse.. Yeah, I started a sketchbook. Inspired by my buddy Emil I thought to give it a go. I mean, Ive had skethbooks before, but this one's for fast ones only. My problem is I always end up spending too much time on my sketches, turning them into drawings. Then noticing I should have moved on long time ago. Waste of time. You have to learn to get the lines right, the basics. Know the shapes, says Nick the Pick. And thats absolutely true. It doesnt matter how frigging nice the colouring and the shadings are if the shapes arent right. Period.
I have to take a few pics of the pages, its too big to be scanned, then I'll post some.

Ok, gotta hit the sheets. Here's the last piece I did a few weeks ago. An old graff dude gave me free hands with the 75, so I skipped the stencil and sketched it straight on the leg.

Monday, December 8, 2008

One of them days...

Sometimes its just useless to draw. Or even try. You should just put the pens down and put on a movie or something. If that happens I normally sketch something that Im good at. Something that comes without a struggle. If that doesnt work, leave it.
And today its just one of them days that fucking nothing works. So, I'll put on Dexter and just hit the sheets.
Better luck next time.

Ps. This is what happens when the kids have a bit too much of a good time..

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Repeating myself...?

I just keep on doing these roses and skulls..
I dunno if Im stuck on them or what. Still, I see SOOO many of them all the time, but so few nice ones. So here's another one, nothing special, just pleased that it goes so fast to sketch one nowadays.