Fine, that got done. Except they told us that AIR FUCKING FRANCE had overbooked our flight from Paris to Bangkok by 26 seats. So, we werent confirmed on the flight. Well, thank (fuck)you very much again. They told us to run to the gate and FIRMLY announce that we ARE coming to that plane. It would have been fine but we were bit in a hurry.
Ok, flight went fine, having two kids an' all. Champagne, a few whiskys and a some beer later we werent that stressed anymore. Go figure.
So, we landed and I was made the runner. The rest would come with the kids. Ok. I was locked and loaded. I thought I was gonna run through the whole airport dodging people and jumping over trolleys.
I got started, was running along this corridor.. keeping my breath steady.. until about 20 meters I got to a security controll. They said they cant help me cuz I didnt have a boarding card. Fucked.
I took about 2 minutes for the family to catch up and we started going through the excuses with all the languages we knew.
Finally the dude said with a thick French accent, "ok, only tis time i let u pass."
I started running again, and RAN, all 15 meters to the desk where they told that we were already booked on the flight. Relax.
And so we did. Had a Budweiser and laughed a bit to whole incident.
Other than that Air France was brilliant.
Since then its been sunny, half cloudy around 30 degrees and some sweet Chang beers. Excellent food and all that I went through last summer. Just plain fucking nice calm living.

Yeah, thats me writing this blog on the terrace of the house.
Have a good one. I am.
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