Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Been wrestling a bit with this t-shirt design Im doing. Did the colours already by hand but somehow wasnt too happy about it, so I did it again. Now with just black pen and later the colors with Photoshop. It is a t-shirt afterall, not a painting. Meaning, it has to work in the print as well. Too many tones, shades and colours are just gonna make a mess. Not too many wants to pay that high t-shirt price either.
Sometimes its cool to do a little bit rougher shading. I personally think its even harder than the smooth ones, you have to know exactly where to shade. I mean, almost anybody can learn the technique to shade/colour and it sure looks good, specially for the people who cant draw. Its easy to please folks/hide mistakes with a nice shading, even if the drawing is a bit weak, and anybody who can draw sees through it. I hate that. Specially when its my drawing. I respect more the rough shades. I guess its a matter of an opinion as well, a taste issue.
Oil paintings with just a slight brush stroke here and there can sometimes be so amazing, you look at them close by and its hard to understand how the artist knows that its gonna look good 3 meters away.
Howeva, havent really decided the colors for the t-shirt yet, just playing with PS and trying different combos. Well see how it turns out.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Breakes your heart, doesn't it?

One of the most effective ads I've ever seen. Maybe because I'm a dog lover....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Did some line work on this t-shirt sketch and Im wondering if I should color the piece with Photoshop or by hand... Id rather do it by hand but are the colors gonna be fucked in the printing process or are they gonna be fine? I dont think I know anybody who knows the answer. Hmm.. Gotta think...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wonders of nature

It was pretty late in the day when this amazing rainbow appeared. The kids were going Woooow. And so was I. You can see that the street lights are on, so it was late.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Kids and drawing dont match

Trying to sketch a t-shirt to a tattoo stuff import company thing and jesus cristobal its hard when you got two kids running around asking questions and favours. Cant really ignore them, cause well, theyre mine.
Now I gave them some ice cream, that'll keep them off my back for few seconds. Until I hear the sound of ice cream dropping to the living room carpet. Just a matter of time now...
Just made it in time to scan this rough sketch o mine. I think it just might turn up ok.
Keep it real!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Im just saying...

Its hard to think that only about a week ago I was enjoying the sun, good food, dipping in the ocean or in the pool. Its been raining like a MoFo for days now. I gotta keep the lights on daytime, its so dark in the apartment. And its only August!
Just posting some pics that shows what we were up to so short while ago. Feels like it was "last summer"...

Thursday, August 7, 2008


In Thailand, every 500meters or so there was one of these little huts next to the highway. On both sides. Sometimes you could see a scooter or a bicycle parked outside and somebody praying or resting inside. Must be thousands of them all over the country.

Speed sketchin´

I took a train to Västerås yesterday and I knew that I had 58 minutes to sketch something. I had no idea what to draw so the first few minutes I was just sitting there with the pen in my hand. Didnt help that people were staring at me, and looked away every time I looked back.
So, Ive had this weird thing for skulls lately. Its a subject that has taken some time to learn, and then even more time to "stylize" it and kinda make it look your own. I mean, skulls has been made and are been made by the millions, nothing groundbreaking cannot be done, but still its a cool motive and the more Ive looked into it the more cool skulls I see every day. Mostly in the tattooing world though.
Anyways, I decided to do a skull and well, being in a train (that didnt go that smoothly, so no fine outlines..) well, I did a train. How original.. Then just to fill some space and lacking ideas and time, wrote Västerås on a banner. Ill tell you that was the fastest traintrip Ive done, cause the time was running out.
Ive noticed that I tend to draw better or at least faster and more effective under a deadline (thats running short). If I have weeks to draw something just do something else or draw something else. Then the night before I sit by the kitchen table till the morning hours.
So, this took me 'bout 50 minutes, nothing special but it was cool to have that time and NO idea and then just go.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Crazy Halo

This was just as amazing as it is in the picture.

Home again...

Its been raining for the last two days and its so damn dark that you gotta have the lights on daytime. WTF!? I know a guy who actually prefers dark, grey and rainy city. And no, thats not Batman Im talking about, but my buddy Nick aka Electric Pick. Kinda jealous to that guy cause I just hate this pissing rain and darkness. He should move to Manchester, Jesus that place was just pure misery. I bet the suburbs of Belgrad are lovelier.
One place always pops up when I think of most uncomfortable places Ive visited, and thats Belfast. Me and my buddy Peter were walking around with backpacks and the locals just MURDERED us with their glazes. We were so happy to get the fuck outta there. Not a minute too soon we took a ferrie to Scotland.
I only saw the suburbs of Glasgow from a distance and that was enough. It woudnt have been too wise to go there anyways.
We were traveling 10 days I think (this was in ´97) and IT WAS RAINING 9 DAYS AND 22 HOURS!! We got to see the sun in Brighton for an hour or so. United Kingdom, its a concrete rainforest. At least around November.

Ok then, I guess its time to get my pens out and get back to the routine...