I took a train to Västerås yesterday and I knew that I had 58 minutes to sketch something. I had no idea what to draw so the first few minutes I was just sitting there with the pen in my hand. Didnt help that people were staring at me, and looked away every time I looked back.
So, Ive had this weird thing for skulls lately. Its a subject that has taken some time to learn, and then even more time to "stylize" it and kinda make it look your own. I mean, skulls has been made and are been made by the millions, nothing groundbreaking cannot be done, but still its a cool motive and the more Ive looked into it the more cool skulls I see every day. Mostly in the tattooing world though.
Anyways, I decided to do a skull and well, being in a train (that didnt go that smoothly, so no fine outlines..) well, I did a train. How original.. Then just to fill some space and lacking ideas and time, wrote Västerås on a banner. Ill tell you that was the fastest traintrip Ive done, cause the time was running out.
Ive noticed that I tend to draw better or at least faster and more effective under a deadline (thats running short). If I have weeks to draw something just do something else or draw something else. Then the night before I sit by the kitchen table till the morning hours.
So, this took me 'bout 50 minutes, nothing special but it was cool to have that time and NO idea and then just go.
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