Been wrestling a bit with this t-shirt design Im doing. Did the colours already by hand but somehow wasnt too happy about it, so I did it again. Now with just black pen and later the colors with Photoshop. It is a t-shirt afterall, not a painting. Meaning, it has to work in the print as well. Too many tones, shades and colours are just gonna make a mess. Not too many wants to pay that high t-shirt price either.
Sometimes its cool to do a little bit rougher shading. I personally think its even harder than the smooth ones, you have to know exactly where to shade. I mean, almost anybody can learn the technique to shade/colour and it sure looks good, specially for the people who cant draw. Its easy to please folks/hide mistakes with a nice shading, even if the drawing is a bit weak, and anybody who can draw sees through it. I hate that. Specially when its my drawing. I respect more the rough shades. I guess its a matter of an opinion as well, a taste issue.
Oil paintings with just a slight brush stroke here and there can sometimes be so amazing, you look at them close by and its hard to understand how the artist knows that its gonna look good 3 meters away.
Howeva, havent really decided the colors for the t-shirt yet, just playing with PS and trying different combos. Well see how it turns out.
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