Saturday, July 26, 2008


Had a few drinks with my father-in-law Hasse after the family dinner and while driving home we heard this sound. While riding/driving! I mean, the scooter does make alot of noise but still we were like, whatta hell is this noise! Everybodys asleep now but I had to go out and hear it one more time, just to make sure we werent making things up, and holy shit! The noise is just SO loud! I dont know if its the grasshoppers or some bugsies making the sound but it sounds like it thousands of frogs screaming at the same time. The jungle makes lots of sounds every night but this is just too frigging loud and freaky.
Btw, bout a week ago the others went to the pool ( I was in bed, cold) and saw a cockroach about 12cm long. 12CM LONG! Sitting by the shower. Hasse had given the monster a little snap and it made a nasty sizzle like a small kitten. No cameras were around, too bad, but even the toughest dude, Hasse, had thought that the fucker was just plain scary.
We took a nightswim with Oliver few nights ago and while in the darkness I realized this predator just might land on me and I would have to show my son the true man I am. By running away screaming and leaving the boy behind. Thank God it didnt happen. But just the thought made our swim a little bit shorter.
Keep it cool!

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