Saturday, December 27, 2008

Froggy style

You know, since on our last visit it was raining more than a week, Im kinda waiting on my blogging. Now, in the evenings you tend to be pretty friggin' tired after running/pleasing after two kids, and the dinner and some refreshments involved.
So, the only thing I got to offer is this fellow. Was sitting by the house yesterday when we got home.
Got some nice pics from the x-mas eve at the beach, but that, sorry, has to wait till some cloudy moment. And a big cup o coffee.
Anyways, here's Thai Kermit.

Friday, December 26, 2008

So, in Thailand again.

Ok. As I wrote before all kind of shit was going down before the trip. But we made it. Until we got to the airport. As we were checking in with all the other idiots with their thousand bags suddenly they announced that we have to check in our selves, its just the baggage that we're leaving by the desk. Well, thank you very much for not standing by the rope and telling to do that first.
Fine, that got done. Except they told us that AIR FUCKING FRANCE had overbooked our flight from Paris to Bangkok by 26 seats. So, we werent confirmed on the flight. Well, thank (fuck)you very much again. They told us to run to the gate and FIRMLY announce that we ARE coming to that plane. It would have been fine but we were bit in a hurry.
Ok, flight went fine, having two kids an' all. Champagne, a few whiskys and a some beer later we werent that stressed anymore. Go figure.
So, we landed and I was made the runner. The rest would come with the kids. Ok. I was locked and loaded. I thought I was gonna run through the whole airport dodging people and jumping over trolleys.
I got started, was running along this corridor.. keeping my breath steady.. until about 20 meters I got to a security controll. They said they cant help me cuz I didnt have a boarding card. Fucked.
I took about 2 minutes for the family to catch up and we started going through the excuses with all the languages we knew.
Finally the dude said with a thick French accent, "ok, only tis time i let u pass."
I started running again, and RAN, all 15 meters to the desk where they told that we were already booked on the flight. Relax.
And so we did. Had a Budweiser and laughed a bit to whole incident.
Other than that Air France was brilliant.
Since then its been sunny, half cloudy around 30 degrees and some sweet Chang beers. Excellent food and all that I went through last summer. Just plain fucking nice calm living.

Yeah, thats me writing this blog on the terrace of the house.
Have a good one. I am.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Coke head

Oliver was walking around with a bag full of coke last summer in Thailand.. Didnt even get caught!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rosie O' Donnell

So, I did another rose. Looks ok to me. The golden yellow is kinda bloody, thats why it looks like it does. Gotta say Im pretty pleased. Not bad from a guy who tattoos about once a month..

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hurry up!!!

Use your time wisely. Its not easy with two small kids behaving like apes. This was done while cooking rise. A few cookies to the kids and QUICKLY do your sketching before the word PAPPAAAA is said with a I-will-not-take-no-for-an-answer tone.
Sketch single people, SKETCH!

Drama continues...

The goddamn drama before the trip starts again. Or did already last week.
We're taking off to Thailand on Saturday and just like last summer, its a fucking nerv-wrecking experience. Last time Bella had a potential ear infection, not really a proper one but still on its way. We got some antibiotics for it and hoped for the best. The flight time is around 10hours so, theres a VERY good chance for a disastrous 10h with a screaming kid with exploded eardrums. She also had fever and a proper cough, jeez. Then Sandra got kidney stone!! We had to wait till the last two days if she was allowed to fly. Anyways, that turned out just fine.
SO, last week Bella started coughing and hitting fever, as expected. I was almost pleased that it happened so soon, you know, a week to go, no probs. Ive been coughing and sneezing for 6 weeks now, but thats cool, doesnt seem to get worse. Or better for that matter.
Its five days to go and LOTS to take care of so Sandra gets the fever. Not the traveling one. Damn.
I was changin money today and it turned out we have to order it in advance!!! So much people going to Thailand that they just keep on running out. But still got time to get it before the trip, nice.
Went to get Oliver from the daycare today and hit the curb just a bit too hard. And did I not get a flat tire, shit. Had to carry Bella home and walk with Oliver. Thank God its nearby.
Minutes after we got home Oliver starts to throw-up like crazy. He said he ate too much. Right. 3 hours later he's at it again. Fuck! I was thinking. You just dont put a kid with a stomach flu into an airplane. But it seems like it was some bug or something, he's been ok for hours now. We'll see.
Still many days for stuff to happen. VERY stressful.

Whatelse.. Yeah, I started a sketchbook. Inspired by my buddy Emil I thought to give it a go. I mean, Ive had skethbooks before, but this one's for fast ones only. My problem is I always end up spending too much time on my sketches, turning them into drawings. Then noticing I should have moved on long time ago. Waste of time. You have to learn to get the lines right, the basics. Know the shapes, says Nick the Pick. And thats absolutely true. It doesnt matter how frigging nice the colouring and the shadings are if the shapes arent right. Period.
I have to take a few pics of the pages, its too big to be scanned, then I'll post some.

Ok, gotta hit the sheets. Here's the last piece I did a few weeks ago. An old graff dude gave me free hands with the 75, so I skipped the stencil and sketched it straight on the leg.

Monday, December 8, 2008

One of them days...

Sometimes its just useless to draw. Or even try. You should just put the pens down and put on a movie or something. If that happens I normally sketch something that Im good at. Something that comes without a struggle. If that doesnt work, leave it.
And today its just one of them days that fucking nothing works. So, I'll put on Dexter and just hit the sheets.
Better luck next time.

Ps. This is what happens when the kids have a bit too much of a good time..

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Repeating myself...?

I just keep on doing these roses and skulls..
I dunno if Im stuck on them or what. Still, I see SOOO many of them all the time, but so few nice ones. So here's another one, nothing special, just pleased that it goes so fast to sketch one nowadays.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Proud dad

Jesus, I must be worst blogger in the world. Not that I expect anybody else to read these but still. I almost feel bad for having a blog.
Anyways, its cool to see the kids have an interest in drawing. Bella's been drawing quite alot but Oliver doesnt really care that much about it. Until now. Im not pushing them in any way, just give 'em a hand if they need one. But it still warms up the heart when the little geezer sits down and draws. Im specially proud of how he writes
his name now.

The name he just wrote might work with the drawing Oliver did almost an year ago, a geezer. Cool how the legs start from the head. I was so impressed by his geezer that I tattooed it on my leg. Now he finally writes his name so...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

D day closing in..

Im quite sure that tomorrow morning they'll announce that the new president of the US of A is John McGeezer. And thats just sad. Im sure he's a very wise man and all but what concernes me the most is his age. Because at the age of 72 and counting, small things can lead to serious results. But Im not really worried about his wellbeing, its what happens if/when something goes seriously wrong. Its Sarah Palin that worries me. Jesus, the woman has been ONCE outside the country, got her first passport LAST YEAR! For fucks sake! Governor of Alaska, right. Surely very smart woman, no doubt but c'mon, ALASKA? Oh dear, Hillary Clinton must have her head buried deep in her palms.
I was once again watching The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and they had a reporter at a McCain-Palin convention. The rednecks absolutely hated Obama, the muslim terrorist. You would think that Obama is very popular and he is, specially in the big cities, but the country is HUGE and theres sooo much more people living outside those (more civilized and educated) cities. And they love republicans. I was sure they wouldnt re-elect the idiot Bush, but it happened and I just couldnt believe why that happened. Then I realised that most of the voters do live outside the cities and democrats have never been that popular over there.

I truly hope that the Americans have realised what is best for their country ans choose Obama. I think he would do a better job than McCain. And that terrible hockey mom from Alaska just horrifies me. Nothing wrong with hockey moms, I just dont think they should be in charge of the nuclear codes and meeting the world leaders if they've only been once to Mexico.

Scared for the results....

EDIT: Holy shit! It happened! Never been this happy for being wrong.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Skulls & roses...

Heres a piece I did on my bestest buddy Tomi. Thats why the same kind of roses with same colours as in mine on my own leg. Because we're best friends, you know. Lame, I know, but whatcha you gonna do....(Bad picture I know.)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Alrighty then..

You know the feeling when you got so much ideas and stuff to do in your head, but there's just not enough time? Well, thats what this drawing is about. Train sketching again.

...And this was something I thought I might wanna have done on myself. I've always liked hourglasses and recently been very much into diamonds, so just kinda tried to have 'em both. Dunno if its silly or cool. With some bright colours of course.

Ok, gotta go.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Kinda funny

Actually, VERY funny.

“I look at these people and can't quite believe that they exist. Are they professional actors? I wonder. Or are they simply laymen who want a lot of attention? To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. "Can I interest you in the chicken?" she asks. "Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it? To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked."

- Author David Sedaris, on undecided voters

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fucking Cheney and his gang...

Im watching Bush's War, this 4-piece documentary about the last days before US attacked Iraq. And fuck my dear old dad, the amount of lies that were told. Even CIA officials are saying that there was no evidence whatsoever, just some things that could happen or exist. Like WMD, no evidence, just a possibility of 'em. The CIA told the administration NOT to use this shit in their speeches, press releases etc. but they wouldnt listen. Slowly building this image that there actually was some sort of Weapons of Mass Destruction, or a nuclear bomb was being made.
At one point even the president himself had asked, Is this all you got? A few quiet moments with DICK Cheney and he was all for it. Idiot/fooled Tony Blair had promised his support too early and you just dont back away from the US of A. Poor Colin Powell, he got fucked big time. He was doubtful and against it all, but got walked over by Cheney and Rumsfeld. His options was to resign, walk away from it or to stay and try to make sure these other idiots do as little damage as possible. He chose to stay.
Anyways, here is were the first part of the documentary ended. Its not like I hear these alligations for the first time but now they've interviewed about 80 journalists, CIA (high rank) officials, politicians and so on, and everythings been said straight to the camera. Facts. Its fucking sickening to see how so few men can cause so much trouble. And fucking LIE. Its not like they were mislead somehow either, they made up shit and told it as facts even though the experts adviced/told the otherwise. That fucking Cheney. And Rumsfeld by his side. Jesus.
I remember being in Finland at my dads place when I saw that "We give you Saddam and your bastard sons 48hrs to fuck off Iraq"-speech in the middle of the night and thought that ok, lets get rid of that mass-murderer dictator asshole once and for all. They also made it sound so simple and fast, liberating the people, doing good. But when one of them missiles hit a childrens hospital in the very first days I started to think otherwise. A few generations got wiped out in an instant and all they did was put on some american war hero general to say, sorry, wrong address. Cant wait for the next episode and more lies. Unbelievable. And so very fascinating.

Ps. Now theyre showing a documentary about the secret CIA planes/flights that theyre doing around the world. And some tortured poor bastards telling about the Agencys hospitality...


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy fella

Just got my new camera and I FRIGGIN' LOVE IT! Took some quick shots just to see if it actually works.. and IT DOES!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Crazy Laser Lady

I got some laser treatment today from Evelina at South Of Heaven Custom Tattoo studio in Västerås. And fuck it hurt. My precious first tattoo from '92 has to go. I did get it re-done in '93, but still, it was an ugly piece of work. The whole thing was pretty faded already, so I might not even need more treatment, just a new piece on it.
AND, while having dinner last night Evelina asked me if/when Im gonna get tattooed by Andreas, the husband, studio owner and tattooer. I said hell yes. But then it kinda hit me, what am I gonna have then? Its easy to draw something to a person when they say what they want. They get tattooed and they leave. So long. But now its my arm and I have to/get to live with it for the rest of my life.

I got three options:

1. I design it
2. Andreas designs it
3. We design it

Somehow it feels really fucking tempting to design it myself and then get it done by one of the best in business. Of course were gonna discuss about it together, what works and what doesnt, but I just might be such a narcisst bastard and have my own design put on me. I can have Addes designs later on. Next time. And then again. An so on.

Heres a rose I did on my leg.


Friday, September 5, 2008


The tiger has been done a million times. And will be. But this must be the coolest Ive ever seen.

Santa Cruz Hand!

Friend of mine said that this looks like one of them 80's Santa Cruz skateboard decks. Its kinda true. Just didnt think of it while doing it. Neo traditional does look a bit like that though...

Simple ones...

Its harder than you think to draw simple. Well, practice makes perf..BETTER.
Just some quick ones..


Another fast sketch on the train. I dont know why Im constantly sketching skulls. Maybe because theyre pretty hard to do. Or make them nice at least. Theres million and a one ways to do them, but only so often comes a nice one. Im not saying I do nice ones, but Im getting there. Another one is roses, easy to do but very hard to make them look good.
And then theres all the styles... Old school, new school, traditional, neo traditional, realistic.... I kinda like all of them, really. But still, I rarely see nice ones. Actually, if I wanna see nice ones I always check out the same favourite artists of mine. But of course, theres thousands of artists that I dont know about that make the most amazing art. Just gotta find them..

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Been wrestling a bit with this t-shirt design Im doing. Did the colours already by hand but somehow wasnt too happy about it, so I did it again. Now with just black pen and later the colors with Photoshop. It is a t-shirt afterall, not a painting. Meaning, it has to work in the print as well. Too many tones, shades and colours are just gonna make a mess. Not too many wants to pay that high t-shirt price either.
Sometimes its cool to do a little bit rougher shading. I personally think its even harder than the smooth ones, you have to know exactly where to shade. I mean, almost anybody can learn the technique to shade/colour and it sure looks good, specially for the people who cant draw. Its easy to please folks/hide mistakes with a nice shading, even if the drawing is a bit weak, and anybody who can draw sees through it. I hate that. Specially when its my drawing. I respect more the rough shades. I guess its a matter of an opinion as well, a taste issue.
Oil paintings with just a slight brush stroke here and there can sometimes be so amazing, you look at them close by and its hard to understand how the artist knows that its gonna look good 3 meters away.
Howeva, havent really decided the colors for the t-shirt yet, just playing with PS and trying different combos. Well see how it turns out.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Breakes your heart, doesn't it?

One of the most effective ads I've ever seen. Maybe because I'm a dog lover....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Did some line work on this t-shirt sketch and Im wondering if I should color the piece with Photoshop or by hand... Id rather do it by hand but are the colors gonna be fucked in the printing process or are they gonna be fine? I dont think I know anybody who knows the answer. Hmm.. Gotta think...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wonders of nature

It was pretty late in the day when this amazing rainbow appeared. The kids were going Woooow. And so was I. You can see that the street lights are on, so it was late.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Kids and drawing dont match

Trying to sketch a t-shirt to a tattoo stuff import company thing and jesus cristobal its hard when you got two kids running around asking questions and favours. Cant really ignore them, cause well, theyre mine.
Now I gave them some ice cream, that'll keep them off my back for few seconds. Until I hear the sound of ice cream dropping to the living room carpet. Just a matter of time now...
Just made it in time to scan this rough sketch o mine. I think it just might turn up ok.
Keep it real!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Im just saying...

Its hard to think that only about a week ago I was enjoying the sun, good food, dipping in the ocean or in the pool. Its been raining like a MoFo for days now. I gotta keep the lights on daytime, its so dark in the apartment. And its only August!
Just posting some pics that shows what we were up to so short while ago. Feels like it was "last summer"...

Thursday, August 7, 2008


In Thailand, every 500meters or so there was one of these little huts next to the highway. On both sides. Sometimes you could see a scooter or a bicycle parked outside and somebody praying or resting inside. Must be thousands of them all over the country.

Speed sketchin´

I took a train to Västerås yesterday and I knew that I had 58 minutes to sketch something. I had no idea what to draw so the first few minutes I was just sitting there with the pen in my hand. Didnt help that people were staring at me, and looked away every time I looked back.
So, Ive had this weird thing for skulls lately. Its a subject that has taken some time to learn, and then even more time to "stylize" it and kinda make it look your own. I mean, skulls has been made and are been made by the millions, nothing groundbreaking cannot be done, but still its a cool motive and the more Ive looked into it the more cool skulls I see every day. Mostly in the tattooing world though.
Anyways, I decided to do a skull and well, being in a train (that didnt go that smoothly, so no fine outlines..) well, I did a train. How original.. Then just to fill some space and lacking ideas and time, wrote Västerås on a banner. Ill tell you that was the fastest traintrip Ive done, cause the time was running out.
Ive noticed that I tend to draw better or at least faster and more effective under a deadline (thats running short). If I have weeks to draw something just do something else or draw something else. Then the night before I sit by the kitchen table till the morning hours.
So, this took me 'bout 50 minutes, nothing special but it was cool to have that time and NO idea and then just go.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Crazy Halo

This was just as amazing as it is in the picture.

Home again...

Its been raining for the last two days and its so damn dark that you gotta have the lights on daytime. WTF!? I know a guy who actually prefers dark, grey and rainy city. And no, thats not Batman Im talking about, but my buddy Nick aka Electric Pick. Kinda jealous to that guy cause I just hate this pissing rain and darkness. He should move to Manchester, Jesus that place was just pure misery. I bet the suburbs of Belgrad are lovelier.
One place always pops up when I think of most uncomfortable places Ive visited, and thats Belfast. Me and my buddy Peter were walking around with backpacks and the locals just MURDERED us with their glazes. We were so happy to get the fuck outta there. Not a minute too soon we took a ferrie to Scotland.
I only saw the suburbs of Glasgow from a distance and that was enough. It woudnt have been too wise to go there anyways.
We were traveling 10 days I think (this was in ´97) and IT WAS RAINING 9 DAYS AND 22 HOURS!! We got to see the sun in Brighton for an hour or so. United Kingdom, its a concrete rainforest. At least around November.

Ok then, I guess its time to get my pens out and get back to the routine...

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Its our last night and I cant believe its been 2 and a half weeks since we came here.

Had our last dinner and ordered just about everything and MAAAN it was good. Been thinking about Thailand and the places Ive been and quite frankly, I dont know a nicer place. The people are just amazingly nice, so kid loving that its almost too much sometimes. And its not about hussle and shit, just genuine friendliness that Ive never seen before.
I said it before that weve been living in fishing village that does only have so much people, and the people that own houses over here mostly come in the winter, so its been VERY quiet.

Today in Prapchup Khiri Khan some kiosk-owning ladies gave milky drinks to Bella and Oliver and refused to take money for it. Alot of people have been chasing the kids with mobile phones, to take pictures. Like today, the cook spend more time with Bella than making food.
Little kids are waving their hands when you walk by. Thats something very real, no hussle involved. Like munks wanting to shake hands with Bella, they hardly want anything from us. But a smile. And yes, Oliver is just as popular. Specially with his green eyes and blond hair. He can greet and thank in Thai and that is SOOO adorable for them.

Its been raining for the last four days and should keep raining for a week or so, I heard. I also heard that its been almost +30 back home. But then again, Ive been to Thailand.
Seen many things and met alot new people, still very curious about their habits. Hard to find out about them because so few talk english over here.

Ok, the gang fell asleep as usual, waayyy before me. Little miss in the middle of the livingroom floor, Sandra by her book, Oliver next to granpa with a book on his face. That leaves me listening to the amplified sound of frogs or whatever and having one more bia Chang.

Cant wait to come back to this country, specially the place where weve been, hardly any tourists around. Superb food any even superber people. Huai Yang well soon see some naked little butts running around...

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Had a few drinks with my father-in-law Hasse after the family dinner and while driving home we heard this sound. While riding/driving! I mean, the scooter does make alot of noise but still we were like, whatta hell is this noise! Everybodys asleep now but I had to go out and hear it one more time, just to make sure we werent making things up, and holy shit! The noise is just SO loud! I dont know if its the grasshoppers or some bugsies making the sound but it sounds like it thousands of frogs screaming at the same time. The jungle makes lots of sounds every night but this is just too frigging loud and freaky.
Btw, bout a week ago the others went to the pool ( I was in bed, cold) and saw a cockroach about 12cm long. 12CM LONG! Sitting by the shower. Hasse had given the monster a little snap and it made a nasty sizzle like a small kitten. No cameras were around, too bad, but even the toughest dude, Hasse, had thought that the fucker was just plain scary.
We took a nightswim with Oliver few nights ago and while in the darkness I realized this predator just might land on me and I would have to show my son the true man I am. By running away screaming and leaving the boy behind. Thank God it didnt happen. But just the thought made our swim a little bit shorter.
Keep it cool!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wussup dawg!!

Theres a lot of dogs around here. Theyre straydogs, but Ive noticed that they dont look so starved and shitty as the ones Ive seen elsewhere. They come close but still keep a slight distance, just in case. In our favourite restaurant theres two. The waitresses just go around them when they sleep on the floor and nobody does nothing about them.
I remember a dog, I think it was a puppy getting kicked by a waiter in Mallorca when I was a kid and never wanted to go back to that place. They were always chasing away the dogs. Nasty stinky dogs.
But somethings different over here. And now I know the answer.

The community takes care of the dogs. Ive seen them feed them, but they also clip them to keep the number in control. Its a religioius thing. They think that the spritits of the dead relatives go (or might go) to the dogs. Nobody wants to kick their granpa, right?

Today I saw a bird sit on a cow that was eating its grass, not minding at all. The cows and birds look a bit different over here, so too bad I didnt have a camera with me. Theres plenty of trees over here so why was it sitting on the cow? Maybe it was his buddy.

It was a bit cooler day today, been raining all day. No dips in the pool even. Then one couple we met said it was +28 degrees. Only.
Its 28,5 now inside the house and we havent had the air conditioning on all day. Chilly...
So, there was no trip to Hua Hin either. Maybe tomollow!

Took a ride with the scooter the other day to a local national park. Nice ride through the rice fields and coconut farms. People waving their hands. Saw some monkeys jumping from tree to tree. First time ever to see them in the wild. Well, we saw some monkeys about a week ago in a small town Prachuap Khiri Khan, at the foot of a temple mountain. But its not the same thing really. There should be a nice beach over there but dont know if we have time for that...

Thats all folks!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Internet working again...

First of all I gotta get one thing off my chest. Thats the Thailand hippies. When we were about to leave Stockholm I noticed these people that look like theyre extras from the movie The Beach. I mean, do you really have to show everybody that it not your first time to Thailand. Theres all kinds of hand made blingbling, and thats cool by me but fucking surfing shorts and flipflops!!? Do these people think that the plane is gonna land on a beach?? Somehow they dismiss the fact that theres gonna be a full-on air conditioning straight to the neck for about 10 hours and then youre only in Bangkok. Beaches are still hours away. Feels like these are the Torremolinos-folks of our time. BOSS t-shirts and so on.. Maybe Im just getting old...

We went to Hua Hin to do some shopping, its a bigger town about 120km away and I couldnt help but to be annoyed bout the locals going GoKväll, How are u sir, Come this way and blabla. Ive always hated turist infested places (not big cities likes of New York etc..) and the hustlers that keep chasing you down the street trying to get you in to a restaurant. The village were staying now doesnt have any of that and I know people who would get insane how calm and easy it is over here. I just like the fact the locals dont want anything from you, just waving hands and hellooo. Only a few people speak a bit english. It doesnt really matter how good your english is, you just gotta know how to use it. No "r"s. Tomollow. And so on. One word and a lot of hands. Way better than a fine sentence. It can be a pain in the ass when not even the simpliest request come true. Specially when you got kids with allergies...

Theyre crazy about blonde kids in Thailand. It started already at Bangkok airport. Here they just chase Oliver and Bella and grab them till a small cry comes out. One nice waitress asked after a few rejections that "she doesnt like me?" Oh yes she does, shes just a bit shy.. ( And not even frigging two years old, sorry that shes not running towards you when we arrive..) The people really are genuinly(?) friendly, happy and just very nice to deal with. Just to think of the locals in Gran Canaria, you almost felt hated while walking around and doing business with them. Except for the people I became friends with. Theyre the nicest.

What else... Well, exellent food every day... Even the kids are eating well. No loose bellies. ( Im sure that Im gonna be shitting myself just by saying that!!)

Tomorrow me and the missus are gonna go for a shopping marathon and a dinner in Hua Hin. Grandpa is gonna be with the buggers. Nice.
Seems like were getting used to the heat a bit. Nobodys sweating that much anymore. Still hot as hell though. You cant be in the sun more than an hour, it goes right through you. Now a 30 degree night temperature is ok. And its time to go home... Its gonna be about 18 degree drop.. I guess its the huminity that makes it so unbearable over here. Everytime you come out of something air conned, its like a slap in the face, every time. Dont get used to it.

Now I gotta go and get some dreads in my hair, a SINGHA t-shirt and enter the plane in a pair of flipflops. Im coming from Thailand afterall and I gotta show that to people at the Arlanda airport of Stockholm..


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Goodamn tan..

Its a cloudy day and I cant help but to feel stressed about getting a tan. Rediculous, I know! But when you grow up watching your parents fry themselves in Mallorca and hear all kinds of "facts" about tanning, you suddenly realize that you are just like that.

Also, when you realize that you have already PASSED the halfway of your holiday it kinda bummes you out. All kinds of worries are only a week away is ringing in my head. Hard to relax.

I gotta put a picture of that scary motorcyclethingy that we rented. Hasses been playing golf alot, so its ME whos been driving the bugger. Not easy, I can tell ya.

We went to market place yesterday by the Burma border and it was CHEAP! Cool to see all weird things they sell as well. Not only clothes.

Today, a cloudy day, we went to a aquarium 20 min away. Bella took off at one point and when I got to her there was Thai girls kneeling next to her, posing and taking pictures. It looked like we were more interesting to them than the stingrays.

What else.. Yeah, tomorrow we gonna take off to Hua Hin, 110km away, going shopping and gonna check out the evening market place. Should be interesting.

Thats about it for now. Time goes SOOO fast when you gotta rutine going...


Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Whoo, its still REALLY hard not to be overwhelmed by the heat. The pool temperature is nice and freshing 30 degrees, so the air.. its hard to say, because I havent seen a single celsius/fahrenheit meter here. The locals just hate the heat and wear these weird hoods with only small holes for eyes and mouth. Kids think theyre scary. Me too.

Btw, the thaiboxer wasnt at home and the thai directions I got from the mama would have prolly taken me to Burma. Then again, the Burma border goes on the mountains that are about 30km away. We're at the narrowes part of Thailand.

The ocean is WAY warmer than the pool, around 34-35 degrees, so thats not too refreshing either. But its nice! Dont get me wrong. I guess it takess about a week for the body to acclimatize, but its still gonna be sweaty. Scandinavian summer is gonna feel like winter after this..
My cold is pretty much gone, but now Sandra has fever and a sore throat. No rest for the wicked.

Oh yeah, we gotta a new ride! A scooter with a side carrier(?), scary but very handy. Its only Hasse driving/riding that thing, too freaky for me. When you accelarate it goes fine, but when you let the gas go the side carridge(?) tries to go pass the scooter. Like somebody hits the gass on that one. Its hard work keeping that thing on the road, so Hasse is the only one to even try.
Now were hitting the road to a some sort of market place. Maybe find some nice flipflops.

Monday, July 14, 2008

If this ain't Thailand...

Me and Hasse (my father-in-law) just came back from the dinner that one of the local security guards was proud to serve us. I was hoping it wouldnt be any thai "specialities", so I was saying CHICKEN out loud many times before the dinner. He was saying KAI, ok chicken its gonna be, but when we found the place it was all raw octopussy at first. And then came the chicken, about the same time. Cool thing was, that Hasse wasnt really sure where to turn so suddenly there was a guy behind us beeping and waving to stop. We stopped and followed him and got to the right place. They had changed the roads, so they placed a dude there to wait us to drive by and then show the right way the dinner. Ps. We heard that the whole village was talking about the dinner, SO, it was more like an honour for the man than anything else. We brought a small whisky bottle just as a good cause and they took it as a nice sign, even though almost being affended by OUR genereousity. Go figure. Anyways, there must have been the buffee´´ee of a lifetime just made for us, cause after we said we were stuffed they still kept coming with all kinds of dishes.
There was talks about maybe marrying somebody but I quickly dissed that by showing pictures of MY kids and Sandra.
The outside toilet was a place that was worth to see. It was located like 20meters from the house and to be honest, skansen workers would have been VERY excited about he crawling walls. So, the son of the family is a Thaiboxer, 7years, very busy with armwrestling with Hasse, hes gonna show me some local tattoo place. Im not sure if he wanted me to (machine)tattoo him or for me to get bambu tattooed by the locals. He said theres a proper studio here, right..... At least a place with a MACHINE and a bambu option.
However, the dinner got done with very little english words and more body language. Also helped that Hasse was making more "scandinavian" drinks for folks so, they were kinda blurry.

Btw, its really overwhelming what kind of noise the jungle makes at night, its all quiet during the day and when the sun goes down, KABOOOOM! they turn their amps on.

Anywayzzzz, its vey exiting to see what the thaiboxer will show/want me to do/want me to get from the locals. I'll try to post later of that.
Pss. It looks like theres more people reading this than Sandra but I dont think there is. I just write it like there was a few more.... And still having a BIGTIME FLU at 33degrees...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Gotta fix the pics.

These pics were ENORMOUS, gotta find a way to pack em with Windows.......

Having a cold at +34 degrees!!

Hows that possible? I dont know. I think it was the 10h flight and then 4h drive from Bangkok AIR CONDITION hell that does it. You jump out to 33-35 degrees, jesus. Bella seems to be well again, eating a bit more now and Olivers cool, not whining about the heat at all. The beach is about 400meters away and we have a pool, so that keeps the kids cooled down. A bit at least. Bella has a bit red arms even though we used 50 on her. So strong the sun is. I burned my back properly yesterday so I had a t-shirt on all day. Just gonna post some pics and hit the sack. Its pretty late here and the kids dont have mercy with sleepy mornings. BUT, they were up to friggin' 1am yesterday and Bella was up till about 23 tonight. The sad thing is, they still get up at 7:30....